Hey Lovely,
Are you in touch with your aromatic side? For the past few years, I’ve been paying attention to how aromas make me feel. Imagine being pampered at a five-star resort, laying comfortably on a massage bed while hearing the gentle waves of the sea breaking on the shore nearby. You inhale the crisp ocean breeze. It’s mixed with a whiff of your favorite essential oils, which are rubbed into your skin to massage your sore muscles. You break a soft smile of satisfaction and drift off, never wanting this feeling to end. The feeling you felt when you thought of this scene makes you feel the way you do when your senses have been awakened.
Scents Trigger Memories
Did you know that our sense of smell triggers our memories? Pleasant feelings of happiness, relaxation, and pleasure when these scents and aromas are utilized. For example, when I smell anything with vanilla and coconut. I remember my mom’s baking, how good it tastes, and how I could not wait to lick the batter bowl as a child. Mmm, mm, good! But when I smell lavender, it takes me back to the days I used it for relaxation when I struggled with anxiety and insomnia.
As of late, I’ve found myself falling in love with essential oils and the benefits derived from each. Recently, I received a gift from my favorite leather goods retailer (Land Leather), which further fuels my obsession with essential oil scents. They gifted me an essential oil diffuser! Just what I needed at the right time!
I experimented with various mixes of oils for my smelling pleasure. Scented candles inspired some of these scents, and I’ve found these to be my favorites. As a result, I bought myself a set of essential oils from amazon.
Here are a Few Favourites
Here are the recipes, I love to keep my scents light but you can double the amount of drops to make it stronger:
- Comforting Florals- 4 drops vanilla, 2 drops patchouli, 1 drop rose ( 1 drop lavender optional)
- Lemon Meringue- 3 drops lemon, 2 drops vanilla
- Deep Breathing – 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Eucalyptus, 2 drops Rosemary 2 drops lemon and 3 drops tea tree
- Float Away – 3 drops vanilla and 2 drops sage
- Sweet Peppermint Patty -4 drops Vanilla, 2 drops peppermint 1 drop ylang ylang
- The Energiser -4 drops lemongrass, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop peppermint
I hope that you try them and love them as much as I do!
I wrote this blog post to the whiff of Comforting Florals. Do you have any special blends that you do for yourself? Share in the comment section so that we can try them enjoy.
Much love and light