Hey Lovely,
Motherhood has undoubtedly transformed my devotional life in ways I never imagined. I used to think that to cultivate and maintain a meaningful relationship with God, my devotions had to be done at a particular time in a specific way. As a result, I must confess that I have struggled with keeping a consistent prayer life since becoming a mother because of that mindset. What makes it worse is that I’m an all-or-nothing type of person (I’m still working on that. Y’all pray for me!), so I felt that if I didn’t give my best to it, I’d instead give nothing at all because I didn’t feel like it would “count.” Thankfully, my family and friends have stood in the gap for me during those times.
Juggling Two Years Later
Two years later, I’m now coming to terms with the reality that the days of uninterrupted quiet time for prayer, journaling, and deep Bible study are gone. But I know that in a different season, I will definitely ease back into it. I know God will lead me into it as he has led me before. He sure has a way of showing me that His presence still abounds; here’s how: one day, I got up early in the morning to prepare and pack my family’s meals, and I found myself praying over everything I was doing.
That’s when the lightbulb went on. I realized that God was guiding my thoughts to Him. In turn, my prayers have become woven into my daily responsibilities as a mother, wife, and friend. This new chapter in my life has challenged me to see the sacred in the ordinary and to find moments of connection with God amidst the busyness of motherhood.
Embracing the Shift
The most significant shift in my devotional life since becoming a mother is the realization that prayer and meditation can take many forms. While I used to set aside specific blocks of time for focused prayer and reflection, I now find myself in constant conversation with God throughout the day. So, while going about my duties, such as folding and putting away clothes, preparing meals, or playing with my daughter, I have learned to invite the presence of God into every moment and to see my daily duties as opportunities for spiritual growth.
As a mother, my understanding of devotion has expanded to include personal reflection and acts of service and love toward others. The selfless nature of motherhood has taught me the value of sacrificing some of my desires and needs for the well-being of my child. In this sacrificial love, I find sprinkles of the ultimate sacrifice made by Christ, deepening my appreciation for the grace and mercy that sustains me in my role as a mother.
The New reality
While I may no longer have the luxury of extended quiet times for studying the Word in depth, I have come to see that the very act of caring for my child is a form of living out the teachings of the Bible. The lessons of patience, kindness, and selflessness that I strive to impart to my child are rooted in the wisdom of scripture, and my daily interactions with them become opportunities to embody these virtues in a real way.
In the midst of it all, I have found that my devotional life has taken on a new form—instead of giving him one block of time in the day, it is now shaped by spontaneity, flexibility, and a deep dependence on God’s grace. While the days of quiet solitude may be few, the moments of connection with God I experience while performing my daily duties are all the more precious and meaningful. In the final analysis, Motherhood has not diminished my devotion; it has transformed it into a sweet fragrance of praise and prayer entwined in my everyday life. So, Mamas, juggle if you must, and ensure that you talk with God while you do. He’s waiting to do something extraordinary with the ordinary tasks of your life.
daily meditation
Finally, I’ll share a scripture text to guide your heart daily.
Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
Philippians 4:8-9 MSG
How do you worship? Has this post been helpful? Comment below and share with your friends so that we can grow together in faith.
Until next time,