Extra-Ordinary Living: A Guide to Embrace being EXTRA Everyday

Hey Lovely,

If you have read my blog from “cover to cover” since its launch in 2022, you would have noticed my tagline/theme: “Be True to Yourself. Be Fearlessly Authentic. Make life EXTRAordinary.” I first created this tagline in 2020 when the world was in lockdown, and I had just started working on my blog. I already knew I wanted to share with you how to create a beautiful and satisfying life with what you already have; But, Chile, what I didn’t realize was that I was going to attach a whole new meaning and method behind living extraordinarily in 2024! The inspiration behind this tagline was to encourage you to embrace your true self and live authentically without fear of judgment or failure.

Being true to yourself means walking in your own God-given purpose. Not trying to do what someone else is doing, but to complete the assignment and the specific calling that God has on your life. It goes hand in hand with treating ourselves with kindness and compassion and pursuing our God-given passions and dreams. To be fearlessly authentic means to be your genuine self, not to be afraid to be vulnerable, to show your quirks, to let your voice be heard, and never to be ashamed of your values. It’s also about embracing your strengths, weaknesses, and imperfections while being honest with yourself and others. By being true to ourselves and striving to live our lives to the fullest, we can positively impact the world around us because this gives others the permission to do the same. And that, my friend, makes life EXTRAordinary.

We can make life EXTRAordinary by implementing practical principles to make it much more enjoyable and productive. I discovered these principles one day when I sat reflecting on my values and the way I approach things in life. There are some changes that I need to make to live life more sustainably in my home, so I definitely need to work on my Resourcefulness, but that will come with time and intentionality.

To embrace being EXTRA every day, I’ve thought of some concepts we can use to enhance the quality of our lives and those around us. I have made an acronym from the EXTRA in Extraordinary to guide our everyday living. If we focus on one or two, or even all, each day, we will surely build the fulfilling life we envision for ourselves. So here goes:

E- Enriching

Enriching our lives involves being engaging, empowering, and continuously seeking edification. It’s about fostering meaningful connections with the people around us and contributing to the well-being of our community. It also includes embracing the power of edification in our everyday lives by seeking opportunities for growth, learning, and self-improvement. When we are engaged with positive influences, inspirational content, and uplifting experiences, we can share these with our friends, family, and community to empower them to reach their full potential and inspire positive change. This is at the heart of a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle.

Actively engaging with others brings us closer together. Whether it’s hosting game nights for friends, planning a family outing, or getting involved in local community or church events, it allows us to create lasting memories, shared experiences, and support one another through life’s ups and downs. Let’s consciously step out of our comfort zones and truly connect with the people who matter most. Because in the end, it’s these connections that bring us joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging.

X – eXcellent (yeah, I know)

Getting caught up in simply checking off tasks on our to-do lists is easy. But what if we approached each activity with a mindset of excellence? Pursuing excellence can be our guiding principle, shaping how we approach every task, interaction, and endeavor. Adapting the idea of doing everything with excellence is a commitment to giving our best effort in all aspects of our lives. 

Additionally, by giving our full attention and effort to every task, we improve the result and develop a sense of pride and fulfillment in our daily lives. It means going beyond the mere completion of a task and striving for refinement in our actions. When preparing a meal, completing work tasks, or nurturing relationships, our dedication to excellence should fill these moments with purpose and significance. 

Now, this is not a call to perfection. It is a call to improve continuously, to pay attention to detail, and to elevate our experiences from ordinary to extraordinary. By adopting this mindset, we enhance the quality of our lives and positively impact those around us. This inspires others to pursue their paths with the same dedication and passion. Let’s challenge ourselves to fill every aspect of our lives with excellence, paving the way for a more meaningful and rewarding life.


Living a tasteful lifestyle goes beyond just our fashion choices or home decor. It’s about approaching life with a sense of refinement, elegance, and grace. It’s about developing a discerning eye and making thoughtful choices reflecting our values and sense of style. From the way we dress, the food we eat, the beauty that we appreciate, or the experiences we seek, every decision we make can be an opportunity to express our unique taste and personality. A tasteful lifestyle is not about following trends or conforming to the norms around us. Rather, it’s about embracing and celebrating our own unique style. Let’s aim to enhance the everyday moments in our lives, seek beauty and inspiration in the world around us, and live an authentic life that fits our tastes and preferences.

This approach to life is not just about aesthetics but also about values and priorities. Consequently, we should be intentional about the things we surround ourselves with and make choices that align with our beliefs and goals. Living tastefully is about celebrating our individuality and expressing it in the most authentic way possible.

R -Resourceful

Everywhere we look, advertisements encourage us to buy more. Being resourceful in our everyday lives is a more sustainable approach. Being resourceful means making the most of what we already have, finding creative solutions, and reducing waste. Furthermore, It’s about having a mindset of innovation and problem-solving. Instead of rushing to the store to purchase something new, we can repurpose items we already own, especially with our mixing and matching our wardrobes.

We can be more resourceful through learning new skills, doing DIY Projects, repurposing old items, or using technology to streamline our workflow. Every small step counts and can significantly impact our well-being. We save time and money, reduce waste, tap into our creativity, and develop a sense of self-reliance. So, let’s challenge ourselves to think outside the box, embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, and discover the hidden potential in the things around us.

A-Agenda Based Goals

Did you know that having a well-structured agenda can be the key to maintaining balance, productivity, and peace of mind? The word agenda literally means “something to be done.” It is a plan — organized by time — of events or things to do.  An agenda is like a roadmap for your life that filters down into what we do daily. It helps us prioritize tasks, set goals, and allocate time effectively. By planning our goals, schedules and tasks in advance, we can ensure that important things are not overlooked and that we make the most of each moment.

I must emphasize that writing things down is IMPORTANT! Whether it’s jotting down appointments, setting reminders, or creating to-do lists, having an agenda keeps us organized and focused. It allows us to stay on track, manage time efficiently, and achieve a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Plus, being intentional with our time and energy will help to maximize productivity, reduce stress, and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling lifestyle.

First, start by breaking down those goals into smaller, manageable tasks and create a schedule that allocates time for each task. Next, use time blocking, prioritization, and delegation to streamline your workflow and ensure you’re making the most of every moment. In addition, we spoke about self-care before here, so remember to build in breaks and self-care activities in your agenda, to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Strategically planning your agenda can help you accomplish more in less time and create space for the things that truly matter. So, let’s take control of our schedules, embrace organization, and make each day count!

be extra!

So, whenever you see my posts, keep in mind that my goal is to inspire you to be your best self and live a life that is true to your values, passions, and aspirations. Remember, you have the power to make your life EXTRAordinary, so go out there and make it happen! If you found this post to be helpful, don’t forget to leave a comment and share with you friends. Sharing is caring!

Until next time,

Much love and light


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  1. 3.16.24
    Rita said:

    I enjoyed reading this post. Now I’m motivated to be EXTRA!